CDs and DVDs by Category

All of the products are grouped into specific categories.

Just click on a category below to view all of the recommendations.

Click Here for a listing of all products.

These programs – healing sound frequencies cds and dvds – have been carefully researched and used within a variety of settings including ICU, CCU, Fertility Clinic, Pulmonary program, Pain Clinic, Medical Rehab Unit, private psychotherapy practice, and Pre-Intra-Post Operative settings. We have given the utmost consideration to effectiveness when choosing the selections.

The CD’s and DVD’s are coded with the following symbols

#Musical Medicine Produced —* Binaurals — ^ Frequency CD

Please be aware that listening to these downloads on your computer, MP3 or phone will have some decrease in effectiveness. The best way is to listen is from a HI-RES player or CD.


The Very First Day With the Digestion CD I Started to Notice

In the course of two months I was in the emergency room twice and also hospitalized for 4 days. I had almost every test you can think of…
Janet Flynn
Janet Flynn
Tulsa OK

I Am Sleeping More Soundly And Am Experiencing Much Less Anxiety

I am LOVING the Oxygenizing CD and using it 2x daily. I’ve had some interesting…
D. O'Connor
D. O'Connor

Frequency CD for Arthritis

I am open to new ideas and when a friend told me about the frequency CD for Arthritis, I knew this would be something…