If you have any of the old Virus Assist programs please dispose of them as they are no longer useful.
This program is meant to affect as many people as possible when played so it is to be played THROUGH SPEAKERS ONLY!!!!!. The program will not work played with internal computer, tablet or phone speakers. If you need recommendations for your portable devices, go to this page.
Here are some other instructions:
Because of the possible severity of the spread of the virus, we are making this program available at a fraction of our costs:
We received this testimonial recently:
Michaela reports: “I had a sore throat and felt the beginning of getting sick. I could tell the CD really helped. My sore throat went away, my sinus passages opened and I could breathe more clearly”. MM. Maryville TN
We make no medical claims with our products. Many of our programs have been found effective in studies and we have others that are currently in clinical trials.
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