Frequency CDs

Learn About Frequency CDs

Quantum physics tells us that everything is vibration: rocks, cells, crystals, tables, body parts, etc. Even thoughts are energetic vibrations. That is how traumas, beliefs, and emotions can be embedded in our cells. When the cells reproduce, the energy of those thoughts become part of the new cell.
Sound is vibration. Human beings have been using sound to access deeper states of consciousness, expand awareness and heal the body for thousands of years. Chanting, hymns, toning, drumming, singing bowls, gongs, and mantras are just a few examples of this use of sound. Today, we can observe the effects of sound on a body with specialized technology.

Research at major universities and in the U.S. government have explored the many responses to sound and find profound changes occur on the physical and emotional levels.

Sound enters our auric fields, our ears, our brain, and then every part of our body. Given that our mind/body/emotions/and spirit are interconnected, there is great likelihood that all parts of us are affected when listening to sounds.

The frequencies on our CDs are carefully chosen to assist your mindbody in creating healthful changes.

Each CD is a specially formulated program which takes into account not just the organ or body part but the associated systems, i.e. the Digest Aid contains several frequencies associated with the digestion process, not just the stomach frequency. Because nothing in our physical body works independently, it is important to address many processes to assist in creating a change as opposed to just relieving a symptom in the moment.

These frequencies can sound like a specific tone or a low rumble (very low frequencies) or sometimes are higher in pitch. With some of the programs we are able to effectively embed the sounds in nature sounds. This helps those listeners who find the tones bothersome; others enjoy the tones.

The effectiveness of these CDs depends upon several factors:

Delivery System – the most effective way to receive your frequencies is on the sound table, mat, or in the sound chair.

The second best way we know of at this time, is a pillow transducer placed at the bottom of your feet or on the area of the body that needs it most. These can be ordered at: www. (please let them know you came from this site)

The third best way is through a good quality set of headphones headphones or subwoofer. We recommend the Titanium Pro 35 headphones. See our recommendations.

The last way to get your frequencies would be through your stereo speakers. There are some CDs that are effective played this way: Oxygenator, Stress Buster, Digest Aid, Autism, ADD, Well Being, Virus Aid, and Concussion.

Depth of change required. If you have had a dis-ease for years, it may, but not always, take more time to enable the change.

Consistency of Listening. Think of these CDs as a medication: they need to be listened to regularly.

Your Intent. I can’t say enough about this one. If your intent is to truly release your dis-ease (energy blockages) and accept change, then you will more than likely receive beneficial benefits from using these CDs.


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Tulsa OK

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