
Miracle Chord Streaming for use with Headphones and/or Vibro Acoustic Devices

Streamable from your Members Area

Specific frequencies are embedded in a musical composition by Richard Plunkett.
Use when stressed, after any type of trauma that has left you ‘upset’, when depressed or melancholy. It may also be highly beneficial for colicky babies, those with autism, and insomnia.
Best played through vibroacoustic devices or headphones, although it is also calming when listened to as ambient music in spaces used for healing and in your home. Testimonials.

Click on the Player below to listen to a sample.



Streamable from your Members Area

Specific frequencies are embedded in a musical composition by Richard Plunkett.
Use when stressed, after any type of trauma that has left you ‘upset’, when depressed or melancholy. It may also be highly beneficial for colicky babies, those with autism, and insomnia.
Best played through vibroacoustic devices or headphones, although it is also calming when listened to as ambient music in spaces used for healing and in your home. Testimonials.

Click on the Player below to listen to a sample.